Cloud Migration and Workflow Overhaul
There are many affordable, cloud-based software applications available to manage every facet of your finance function. My CFO assembles, implements and integrates the right mix of tools to make your information secure, accessible, consumable and shareable. Then we create an efficient workflow – tailored to your current needs -- to ensure your technology platform is leveraged for game-changing insights on an ongoing basis.
Transaction Entry and Classification
Entering transactions into your accounting solution is not glamorous work, but by controlling the inputs we ensure your system outputs accurate insights.
Accounts Receivables – Invoicing, Collections and Reconciliation
AR is about sending accurate, on time invoices to the right customer contacts to enable prompt payment. Easy, right? Then why do so few companies get it right? Most companies invest untold time and resources sending inaccurate or incomplete invoices to the wrong people, before turning their attention to the dreaded collections exercise. Tight receivables management is elusive and falling short is costly. Yet few business owners can dedicate the time to square off and develop and manage the process to get it right. My CFO addresses these issues while also finding and implementing the most cost-effective payment vehicles.
Accounts Payable – Receipting, Payments and Reconciliation
Who likes paying bills? No one. But simply teeing up check runs without a thoughtful process will typically come at a great cost. Is the appropriate person confirming each good or service was received and priced correctly? You make invoice mistakes and even your most trusted suppliers do as well. My CFO ensures your systems are properly reconciled catch these errors.
Payroll System Implementation and Management
You must accurately track employee time, billable hours, vacation, sick time and the like. And you need to get it all right so your most important asset, your employees, remain loyal. My CFO will implement and manage latest payroll software
Bank Account Reconciliation
Reconciling checking, saving, credit card and loan accounts compares the transactions recorded in your accounting software with those as recorded by your bank. Letting this task go undone, eliminates your number 1 easiest way to catch mistakes. My CFO handles all of your reconciliations each month.
Basic Reporting designed for your business
Great reporting is the foundation for informed decision-making. When linked to the goals you have articulated for your firm, reports help make sure you stay on track. My CFO develops and delivers financial reporting to significantly improve your day-to-day decision-making, and in turn, unleash profitable growth.
CA Support for year-end audit and tax
Year-end statement work such as a compilation, review or audit - along with tax return preparation – is the domain of your auditors. However, My CFO can prepare much of the required information and schedules.
Financial Control Implementation and oversight
It is of paramount importance to have the right controls in place as they help ensure you’re operating within the law, your information is accurate and secure and no one is exploiting weaknesses in your system for personal gain. We implement controls to address compliance, taxes, data security, fraud protection and more.
Monthly Management Reviews
Each month your accounting team meets with you to review your monthly reporting package. We ensure it’s all understood and useful to you. We frequently use these sessions to coach you on relevant financial topics and set goals to measure your firm’s performance in the coming month.